Community Medicine


Department of Community Medicine

Community Medicine is a branch of medical sciences, which deals with the prevention and early diagnosis of various health issues in a community, like a region, municipality, etc. It is the effective means to control the spread of different contagious diseases.

At Santhiram, the Community Medicine department functions at full swing, to serve the society effectively, and provide complete protection to the people from the health ailments. This wing of our’s works in two different steps, to curb out the diseases completely from the society.

Prevention :

We emphasize on the prevention of any health issues, because prevention is always better than cure in the health aspects. There are many medications to keep away the serious health risks, like Hepatitis-B, Polio, etc. Children and adults are provided with the respective vaccination, to keep them shielded from these ailments.

Early diagnosis :

For the people affected by health issues, it is important to diagnose them in the early stages, and provide them with rigorous treatments, to restore their health completely and prevent the health issues from spreading to others in the case of contagious diseases.

By implementing highly effective diagnostic tests and medications, the health of the people in a community can be maintained in pristine condition.

Under Graduate CoursesPost Graduate CoursesseatsRecognized
MBBS-100 recognizedMD(community Medicine)22


Mission and Vision of The Department 


The mission of the department is to provide education, research, and service to the college and the broader rayalseema community. The department offers educational opportunities for individuals pursuing careers in the patient-care professions, public health and the biomedical sciences, advancing knowledge through epidemiological, biostatistical, clinical, ethical, legal, behavioral and social research, developing and evaluating innovative health care services and prevention programs, and assisting health care and public health professionals improve their effectiveness through consultation and continuing educational programs..


Teaching Faculty :-

Professor & HODDr. M.A.M. Pasha, M.D.
Dr. Afsar Fathima M D
Associate Professor
Asst.ProfessorDr.G.Krishna Kumari, MD
Dr.T.Srigouri, MD
TutorDr.D.Geetha, MD
Dr.T.Srihari, MBBS
Dr.K.Deepthi, MBBS
Dr.Chandra Bhanu MBBS
Dr.K.Madhuri Reddy, MBBS
Dr.V.Bhargav, MBBS
Statn cum Lect. / Asst. ProfMr. Veeresappa, M.Sc
Medical Officer of Health Centre
Lady Med. OfficerDr.Kalyan, MBBS
Medical Officer of Health CentreDr.G.Krishna Kumari, MD
Lady Med. OfficerDr.Baba Khalander, MBBS
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